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The Untold History of “Kol Nidre”

The Trial of the Talmud On June 12th, 1242, dozens of wagons led by horses came across a main square in Paris, each loaded with thousands of volumes of the Babylonian Talmud. Crowds of people who already heard the rumors were filling the squares and streets, headed by an apostate Jew called Nicholas Donin, who most likely had a triumphant grin all over his face. Just minutes later, the wagons with their priceless contents, turned into huge columns of fire. Burning Talmud books was a common anti-Semitic practice in the middle ages. Mass acts of burning Jewish books took place[…]

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The Myth of the Vampire Jew and Blood Libels

“For hours the black-haired Jew boy, diabolic joy in his face, waits in ambush for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood and thus robs her from her people … The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too.” (from Mein Kampf) Much like the yellow badge, the ghettos, and the mass deportations Jews suffered, the metaphor of the Jewish vampire was not a Nazi invention. Hitler was[…]

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The Myth of the Vampire Jew and Blood Libels

“For hours the black-haired Jew boy, diabolic joy on his face, waits in ambush for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood , thus robs her from her people … The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too.” (from Mein Kampf) Much like the yellow badge, the ghettos, and the mass deportations Jews suffered, the metaphor of the Jewish vampire was not a Nazi invention. Hitler[…]

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Oy Vey: 8 Jews That Owe the World some Apologies

Jews have contributed to humanity in many noble ways – from science to art and culture. But with Yom Kippur upon us, and the spirit of remorse, we should also mention those who made less admirable contributions – some of the biggest Jewish criminals of all time. Arnold “The Brain” Rothstein    Arnold Rothstein, nicknamed “the Brain”, was a Jewish-American racketeer, businessman and gambler who became a kingpin of the Jewish mob in New York City. Rothstein was widely reputed to have organized corruption in professional athletics, including conspiring to fix the 1919 World Series. His older brother, on the other hand,[…]

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El Secretario General de la ONU, António Guterres, cerró su visita a Israel con un discurso en el Beit Hatfutsot

Antes de dirigirse al Aeropuerto de Ben Gurión, concluyendo su visita de tres días en Israel y en los territorios palestinos, tuvimos el honor de recibir en el Beit Hatfutsot al Secretario General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, el Sr. António Guterres, quien visitó las dependencias del museo y pronunció aquí el discurso que incluía las conclusiones de su visita a la región. El Sr. Guterres, que llegó acompañado por el Representante Permanente de Israel ante la ONU, el Embajador Danny Danón, fue recibido por Irina Nevzlin, Presidenta de la Junta de Directores de Beit Hatfutsot; Dan Tadmor,[…]

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UN Secretary General Mr. António Guterres Speech at Beit Hatfutsot

UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres delivered the closing Speech of his special visit to Israel at Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People.   Mr. Guterres was welcomed by Beit Hatfutsot’s board of directors chairwoman, Irina Nevzlin, CEO of the Museum of the Jewish People, Dan Tadmor, co-chair of Beit Hatfutsot’s Board of Governors, Major-General (Ret.) Eitan Ben-Eliahu, and accompanied by Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Danny Danon. Mrs. Nevzlin greeted our Honorable guest in her opening address to the Distinguished invitees: “Mr. Guterres, we welcome you today as a kindred spirit, a partner and a friend. Your long life of service to your[…]

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