UN Secretary General Mr. António Guterres Speech at Beit Hatfutsot

UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres delivered the closing Speech of his special visit to Israel at Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People.   Mr. Guterres was welcomed by Beit Hatfutsot’s board of directors chairwoman, Irina Nevzlin, CEO of the Museum of the Jewish People, Dan Tadmor, co-chair of Beit Hatfutsot’s Board of Governors, Major-General (Ret.)[…]

Jews and Money in Anti-Semitic Views

In 2013 world-renowned rock star and BDS enthusiast Roger Waters managed to upset the Anti-Defamation League after a performance in which he featured Stars of David alongside dollar signs. The ADL claimed that Waters employed an ancient despicable anti-Semitic stereotype. Indeed, the display was hateful, but how ancient was its message, really? Like many anti-Semitic[…]

Bollywood’s Jewish Superstar Actresses

Much has been written about Jewish history of Hollywood. But this is a bit more surprising. Jews played a major role in the early days of the equally vibrant Indian cinematic industry – Bollywood. Particularly prominent was a group of Jewish actresses who captured the imagination of Indian audiences with their charm and beauty. One[…]

Bastille Day: Jewish France in Light and Shadow

Concerning both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews, at the center of major historical developments, the Jewish history of France is as diverse as the French nation. It spans from the enlightened to the cruel, from the progressive to the tragic. Here are some defining moments in French-Jewish history. Happy Bastille Day to all! 1. ‎1040-1105 –[…]

A Visit From Djerba

Last week we were honored to host three teachers from the “Torah VeChinuch” Jewish school in the island of Djerba, Tunisia. Visits from Tunisia are quite scarce, especially since 2012, when the relationship between Israel and Tunisia deteriorated following the events of the “Arab Spring” in several countries. Sarit Hadad, Anael Hadad and Batia Ahuh[…]

“The Tripoli Exodus” 50th Anniversary

We were pleased and proud to cooperate with the Organization of Jews from Lybia in Israel, hosting a conference commemorating 50 years to the emigration of the last Jews from Lybia. Over 200 guests participated, each with their own personal, moving story. Amos Gueta shared his family story, accompanied by a fascinating presentation. His family[…]

Free admittance for Israelis from the south and north, and soldiers.

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Admission Prices (NIS)

Israeli Senior citizens
Persons with disabilities, college/university students, “olim”
Children under 5 years old
Free entrance
Soldiers in uniform
free entrance (please show I.D.)

Agents and Groups


Our Location

Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv Entrance from gate #2 (Matatia gate)